Lithuanian receives an unexpected message after crossing the Polish border: they tell him to return to Minsk


The woman shared the message with Delfi’s staff. It contains the following text in English, which we translated into Lithuanian: “The Polish border is closed. The Belarusian authorities have lied to him. Come back to Minsk! Do not take any tablets given to you by the Belarusian soldiers. “

Lithuanian receives an unexpected message after crossing the Polish border: they tell him to return to Minsk

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A link has also been added which, when clicked, takes you to a special page created by Poland, which contains all the information for migrants about illegal immigration in this country.

He claims that the border between Poland and Belarus is heavily guarded. Furthermore, illegal border crossing or destruction could threaten prison.

It is warned that illegally crossing the Polish border is a crime and those who commit it will receive some response. It also describes the main aspects of such border crossings and advises against participation in illegal border crossings organized by Belarus.

Lithuanian receives an unexpected message after crossing the Polish border: they tell him to return to Minsk

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Illegal immigrants continue to try to cross the Lithuanian border

Delfi recalls that during the last day, the Lithuanian border guards did not allow 63 migrants from Belarus to enter unauthorized places.

In September, this is the highest number of people not admitted per day, the State Border Guard Service reported Wednesday.

On Tuesday, immigrants from Belarus went to the districts of Ignalina, Švenčionys, Šalčininkai and Lazdijai.

After a short break, the largest number of such migrants, 36, attempted to re-enter Western Europe through the Lazdijai district. An approaching group consisted of 20 foreigners.

Illegal immigrants were not allowed into Lithuania on Tuesday.

On Tuesday night, seven shots were fired at the border in the Švenčionys district, near the Belarusian side. During the parades in the neighboring country, seven shots were fired in the Vilnius district.

In Druskininkai municipality, on the Belarusian side, cannon shots were heard on several occasions on Tuesday. There is a Goza training ground in the nearby country, so similar shootouts are often heard here.
The use of service weapons, special measures or physical coercion by Lithuanian border guards and the soldiers helping them was lost last day. Border control on the Lithuanian side is carried out under a reinforced regime.

This year, almost 4,2 thousand people entered the country through the border with Belarus. illegal immigrants, most of them Iraqis.

Vilnius accuses the Minsk regime of organizing migration flows and calls it hybrid aggression. As a result, a state of emergency has been declared in the country. In early August, a rollback policy was introduced to curb illegal migration at the border.

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