Lithuania is threatened by a meteorological drought: in some districts only 10 percent. normal rain in April


According to meteorologists, the lowest precipitation in April was in the southwestern part of Lithuania, up to 10 percent. normal rain, resulting in a meteorological drought.

“If we also receive little rain in the first ten days of May, the weather drought will cover a larger area. If even in the second decade – we can expect the formation of a natural drought”, – the report quotes climatologist Viktorija Mačiulytė.

According to meteorologists, the lack of precipitation in Lithuania has been recorded since the third decade of March, when it fell to 37% in different seasons. normal rain

The beginning of April was slightly wetter, with rainfall reaching 96 percent. normal number, and only in Laukuva exceeded the norm. The last ten days of April were the driest, falling to 19 percent. normal rain

According to V. Mačiulytė, the effect of the lack of harsh precipitation and this spring is further aggravated by the layer of snow that has not formed during the winter.

Snow melts soil and groundwater in the spring and forms a hydrological flood, while this winter was the first in history when there was no permanent snow cover for more than a few days.

“Unfortunately, as the lack of precipitation continues, we will unfortunately cause hydrological droughts,” predicts the climatologist.

Last year, a statewide emergency was declared in Lithuania due to a drought. In April 2019, rainfall was also well below the multi-year norm. Droughts during active plant vegetation affected crop yields.

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