LeDay gave an impressive performance and the Armani Exchange in Italy broke the Pesaro Club / News


Photo: ZUMA PRESS – Scanpix

Photo PRESS ZUMA – Scanpix

Led by former Zacho Zach LeDay, Milan Armani Exchange (12-1) continues to reap victories in the Italian championship.

Points are earned this season

Profit points: 81.7
Accuracy: 47.3%
League place: 4
Best achievement: 102
Worst achievement: 71
Bigger benefit: Kevin Punter

Etorre Messina’s students at home 97:93 (21:18, 18:31, 25:23, 33:21) broke the basketball players of Carpegna Prosciutto de Pezaro (6-7).

The Milan team was led by LeDay. The American scored 24 points (7/11 dvit., 10/10 penalty) in 30 minutes, bounced 7 and lost 1 ball, made 1 effective pass, broke the rules 2 times, caused 6 fouls and scored 31 utility points.

“Armani Exchange”: Zachas LeDay 24 (7/7 dvit., 10/10 baud., 7 atk. Kam., 31 naud. Bal.), Shavonas Shieldsas 22 (6 atk. Kam.), Luigi Datome 18, Sergio Rodriguezas 13 (8 rez. Lost), Michaelas Rollas 11.

Carpegna Prosciutto: Carlos Delfino 23 (5/10 trit.), Marko Filipovity 18, Justin Robinson and Tyler Cain (Rev 7) after 15, Matteo Tambone 9.

Another Euroleague club, CSKA Moscow (9-2), also won the local championship.

Dimitrio Itoudis’ students in the United League (VTB) championship, at home 83:63 (24:21, 22:14, 20:15, 17:13) crushed the Nizhny Novgorod basketball players (6-2) in Nizhny Novgorod.

The most important CSKA player was Tornikė Šengelija, who scored 22 points (6/9 dvit., 2/5 trit., 4/4 penalty) in 21 minutes, bounced 4 and lost 1 ball, made 1 effective pass, blocked the opponent’s shot and collected 21 utility score.

“Nizhny Novgorod”: Kasey Sheperdas 17 (5/15 diat.), Jevgenijus Baburinas 12 (4/8 trit.), Artiomas Komolovas 10 (5 pr.), Aleksandras Gankevičius 8 (6 aton.).

CSKA: Tengikė Šengelija 22 (6/9 dit.), Janis Strelnieks (3/3 trit.) And Darrunas Hilliardas (1/6 trit.) After 13, Joelis Bolomboy 8.
