Kristina Brazauskienė is paid a rent: she will receive more than 37 thousand. euros


This proposal was presented to the Government by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. It was approved by the cabinet on Wednesday.

It is proposed to retroactively grant rent to K. Brazauskiene from 2010. July 23, because only since then, as expected, K. Brazauskienė received the right to an annuity after the death of her husband.

Over a period of ten years, K. Brazauskienė will receive around 37 thousand. euros.

The amount of the state annuity for the signatory’s widows and orphans is 25 percent. the amount of the state signing annuity. The amount of the signatory’s state pension is 38.79 percent of the monthly salary of a Seimas member. Consequently, the state would continue to pay about 331 euros to K. Brazauskienė each month.

The portal recalls that in 2019. In December 2006, the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania announced through a final and unappealable decision that it had rejected K. Brazauskienė’s complaint to the State of Lithuania regarding compensation for material damage and granting of interest without widow’s rent.

K. Brazauskienė denounced that after the death of her husband, according to the provisions of the President’s State Annuity Law in force at that time, she was still in 2010. She applied for the President’s State Widow’s Pension, but not received no formal response to the request until the date of the appeal to the court.

She demanded that the court order her to pay more than 100,000. compensation for loss of rent. K. Brazauskienė presented such a claim to the court four years after the Constitutional Court (CC) interpretation that the spouses of the president could not have privileges.
