On Friday, the star of the reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashian” uploaded a series of photos to the Instagram account of the social network, showing a unique image. Here you can see bright feminine makeup and beautiful hairstyles.
“Man, this heat wave is so strong! Isn’t it October now? ”, Khloe Kardashian writes on the social network after the photo, who also combined the latex pants and corset with the image.
And although the look of the woman looks impressive, it did not impress the crowd; some started commenting that Khloé was unrecognizable again: “She looks different every week!”
“What’s through Ariana Grande,” wrote one commenter, who was soon endorsed by another, asking the woman, “where is Khloe?”
It turns out, of course, that the woman also read some of the comments. After one, where it was written that “the money was well spent”, Khloé responded with many emotions of tears and laughter.
However, it wasn’t just a flood of outraged comments. There were fans who praised the image of the woman and found it “impressive”. Producer Elaine Thomas Khloe called it “one-of-a-kind” and celebrity makeup artist Etienne did not skimp on calling it “hot.”
Finally, Kh.Kardashian herself gave her opinion on the comments below her photo.
“I will never understand how boring or unhappy some people can be. I am a person who would never comment on anything unless it was a positive word. I believe in the support and compliments of others. But who has time for that? The time is gold. I use it for happy things, ”the woman wrote on her Twitter account.
15 minutes Remember that the reality show star has been difficult to recognize in the past. Kh.Kashashian, dressed in a white corset a few months ago, with a richly glossy lip on his lips and shaping his hair in free-falling waves, was hard to recognize. Part of it was supported by almost 112 million. followers.
Cardashian spent his quarantine days with his daughter True and her scandalously famous father, basketball player Tristan Thomspon, who has been embroiled in a series of infidelity scandals, according to one intern, “he looked like another man.”
This was supported by others, and a collage of photographs, supposedly proving it, was spread on Twitter, spreading rumors that a representative of the Kardashian clan had resorted to quarantine for a plastic operation.