Kaunas students can also study remotely


According to the politicians, under the new regulations, children will be able to acquire initial theoretical knowledge at home, and will further consolidate it and carry out practical and laboratory tasks in the classroom, together with the teachers. In this way, the learning process will not suffer, the disinfection of school premises, the movement and feeding of children will be better organized. Each school, regardless of its size, will be able to provide less contact between children of different ages and a safer environment for all.

Among the first to start implementing the new way of organizing education are KTU Engineering Lyceum, Juozas Grušas, Aušra, Saulė and President Valdas Adamkus Gymnasiums. The list of innovators in early childhood education also includes the schools Tadas Ivanauskas, Kazys Grinius, Milikoniai, Simonas Daukantas, Maironis and Jurgis Dobkevičius progymnasium, Jonas and Petras Vileišiai. It is envisaged that these schools can properly plan the flow of students of different age groups using the coeducation method.

When asked by the Council opposition why Ona Gucevičienė, Deputy Director of the Department of Education, as head of the department, explained that this choice was determined by three criteria: low capacity of schools to organize the educational process smoothly (limited space , planning recommended security measures for the COVID-19 pandemic). There are also a lot of students in them and the infrastructure that is still being managed is being modernized.

Similar decisions will be made with respect to other schools established by the Kaunas City Municipality during the next City Council meetings.

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