Kaunas county police officers are conducting an investigation into the theft, when a wallet with documents, a Huawei P30 mobile phone and a Xiomi electric scooter were stolen on October 24 this year around 7 pm in Kaunas , Šarkuvos St. value of 1040 euros. Video cameras captured men who may have information relevant to the study.
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Residents who recognize these individuals, know their location, or can provide important information, please contact Kaunas County. LSC by phone (8700) 60676 or by email [email protected].
Officers from Kaunas City Santaka Police Station carry out a pre-trial investigation for theft in accordance with article 178 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania. 1 d. This is subject to public works or a fine, or restriction of liberty, or arrest or imprisonment for up to three years.
The investigation is organized and led by prosecutors from the Kaunas District Prosecutor’s Office 3rd Division of the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office.
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