“We are releasing restrictions, we are taking a new leap in the disease. And new strains of the virus are spreading even faster, so more efforts are needed to control their spread,” wrote V. Kasiulevičius on social media.
According to him, restricting movement, spending less time in meetings, reducing illness, reducing excessive deaths, and at the same time avoiding overloading the healthcare system even with the emergence of new strains of the virus.
According to the professor, regular testing, early identification and isolation of sick people can also reduce the number of illnesses. V. Kasiulevičius assures that the opening of the service sector could be started by applying periodic tests.
“But without the introduction of rapid antigen tests or automated PCR test lines in our country, it is hard for me to imagine such a universal test. We don’t have a single thing so far.
Therefore, today we only have one effective measure: the restrictions, they work, and those restrictions are necessary for our country not until January 31, but at least until mid-April, when the UV index and air temperature will start to stop. the spread of infection. Finally, the most vulnerable will be vaccinated in mid-April. And even then one can speak of liberation, ”wrote the professor.