Karbauskis promises an active shadow government, seeking to protect the achievements of the current government


“What we will do now is work in the opposition: there will be a shadow government, this shadow government in any case will duplicate both budgets and decisions, providing, showing what our decisions would be.” Did we have it in four years? No, we didn’t have to, “R. Karbauskis told News Radio on Wednesday.

He promises that the cabinet will be announced “in December or January”, with Saulius Skvernelis as shadow prime minister.

“The sun and the alternative cabinet or in the shade, I believe, will be much stronger than the one that will form the ruling majority,” said the peasant leader.

R. Karbauskis also promises to be a “constructive opposition” and intends to support the candidacy of Viktorija Čmilytė, the president of the Liberal Movement, if she comes forward, provided that the majority supports the candidate of the opposition to the vice presidents of the Seimas.

“If your coalition agrees that Čmilytė be appointed president of Seimas, why not vote? In the same way, we hope that the vote of the vice president of Seimas, which we are going to propose, will not be done otherwise”, he claimed.

After counting the votes in Utena, the former Union of Lithuanian Christian Democrats-Union of the Fatherland should have 51 representatives in the Seimas and gather a fragile majority of 75 members with the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party. The peasants won 32 seats in the elections and will have the second largest faction in parliament.

He will not leave politics: he will seek to protect the achievements of the current government

Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the Union of Peasants and Greens (LVŽS), says he has no intention of retiring from politics to protect the achievements of the current rulers. He also adds that the sense of making new proposals in the Seimas continues to be less and less, since the opposition, which will soon become the ruler, is likely to hinder the adoption of such decisions.

“Certainly I will not retire from politics because I understand that it is my duty as a citizen to ensure that no interest group wastes the achievements that we have achieved: not reducing pensions, not reducing wages, not destroying children’s money. Although now I have news of the future prime minister, she has finally said she won’t, hopefully she won’t. But she has been teased for four years, “R. Karbauskis told Knowledge Radio.

“We understand the need to work to preserve what has been done, what has been achieved. Because when we hear that alcoholic beverage advertising will return to television, that other decisions will be made, it just surprises us, ”he added.

Referring to recent work in the current Seimas, R. Karbauskis assured that the governors are determined to present proposals for next year’s budget until the end of the legislature.

“The budget project will not be adopted by this Seimas, but the proposals for this budget, presented by this Seimas, will be considered by the Government. This Government will also present a draft to the future Seimas (budget – ELTA). In any case, it is a very important job, ”he said.

However, the LVZZ party leader pointed out that he did not believe that other new proposals were worth submitting to the Seimas at this time, as the opposition would likely withdraw them by making decisions taking power.

“On the other hand, other things related to the decisions that the Seimas can make and take, I doubt that anything will be adopted. Because in any case, the ruling majority does not have 71 Seimas members, and the opposition will probably continue to steal cards and will not allow us to accept anything. Because for someone to make decisions about Lukiškės square, or about pension number 13, if it is quite obvious that they will later cancel it with their decisions, it will destroy those laws. This is obvious from their rhetoric ”, assured R. Karbauskis.

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