K. Masiulis addresses the Ethics and Procedures Committee in relation to the assistant employed by P. Gražulis: are interests not confused?


“The Civil Service Law, the Code of Conduct for Politicians and other legal acts do not allow the employment of people with whom they have close relationships as subordinates. As is now clear from public information and testimonies, they had a close relationship with his assistant, Mr. Gražulis, and even had a shared home.

P. Gražulis has been working at the Seimas for many periods, so he is well aware of this legal rule, but he still violated it. The blink of an eye is a complete background. He is not only discredited personally, but the entire Seimas and the entire civil service, ”said the parliamentarian.

Patricija Pachomovaitė

Patricija Pachomovaitė

The media revealed the testimony of P. Pachomovaitė, former assistant to Seimas member Petras Gražulis, that she had “lived with P. Gražulis from 2013 to 2015.”

“It is very disappointing that such an experienced member of the Seimas, who has been elected to parliament many times, elevates his personal interests above representation of the electorate and the state. All those endless stories of his activities demean all employees of the public administration and especially destroy the prestige of the parliament, therefore, not only the forces of order, but also Seimas himself must evaluate the actions of P. Gražulis and distance themselves from them “, says K. Masiulis.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Peter Gražulis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Peter Gražulis

In December last year, at the request of the Attorney General Evaldas Pašilis, the Seimas revoked P. Gražulis’ legal immunity. He has been accused of abuse by the Special Investigation Service.
