Greta Mikalauskytė, a dancer, titled beauty, who became the first vice president of the Miss Lithuania contest in 2012, posted a happy message about the engagement that took place on the social network.
The photo also shows a beautiful engagement ring, and with it the eloquent words about the biggest events of 2020 in the lives of G. Mikalauskytė and J. Jankevičius: this is their son Leonas, a new home and an engagement.
The greatest miracle is the son
At the beginning of last year, the couple gave an exclusive interview to the magazine “Žmonės” about the newborn son Leon and the life together of the two.
Justin remembers that not everyone was happy with the news that storks were visiting their family; some were more concerned with scattering the happy couple. They both had to hear a whole mountain of complaints awaiting benkarto: “After all, Christian values are very popular in Lithuania, so we cause a lot of pain to people who don’t get married. We even seemed to offend them personally – how dare we give birth out of wedlock? “
“The fact that we were waiting seemed much less important to people than the fact that we weren’t married,” Greta smiles and asks rhetorically, “But is it because? time We don’t get married, we become worse parents? “
Leon chose to be born on his mother’s birthday. “I arrived at the hospital late at night, sitting, waiting. Suddenly, the door opens: it can’t be, I think, after all, I’ll only be sitting here for ten minutes. The voice asks, “Is Mikalauskytė’s husband here?” “I am,” I raise my hand. “You had a son.” This is how Leon ruined Greta’s birthday party and, I guess, Greta’s entire birthday party eighteen years in advance. ”Justin loses his humor.
What emotions overwhelmed me when I saw my son? Justin assures that he remained rational, that life did not change and that no religious enlightenment came upon him. But a strange feeling came over me: “I look at that tuber wrapped in a blanket up to my chin and I realize that I had never been in this life before. I’m not sick for no other person. I would consider it: if something happened to him, would I throw myself into the fire? And I realized, of course, that he would dance. “
Justinas Jankevičius and Greta Mikalauskytė / Cover of “People” magazine
Met at a wedding
We remind you that J.Jankevičius and G.Mikalauskytė appeared together in public for the first time in 2016, at the opening ceremony of the new season of TV3. They met at the wedding.
“I was the host, Greta and my assistant organizer of the event. That organizer didn’t even come to the wedding, Rytis Cicinas ordered, he drank his fee money: in addition to the last thing, he tried to stay professional, but had a hard time … In a word, a tragedy, but in that tragedy we met.
We didn’t see her for a year after that, and when we met again, she didn’t want to go on a date with me because I was: a) old, b) disgusting, c) off TV. Well, what girl who respects herself would decide for such a test? … But he somehow managed to convince us that we might go out. This is how we are still today, “J. Jankevičius told” People “magazine about the first meeting.
Leon, the couple’s first-born, was born in January last year.