After receiving a negative response to the coronavirus on Saturday, Justinas Jankevičius decided to retest. The man made this decision after feeling worse.
“If you know me without a mask since Wednesday, I have bad news for you. 38, headache, bone fracture, loss of appetite, weakness,” J. Jankevičius announced his condition on the social network.
Finally, after a repeated coronavirus test on Sunday, he soon received some unpleasant news: the test result was positive.
Photo Day / Photo by Justinas Auškelis / Justinas Jankevičius
J. Jankevičius announced this on Wednesday on his Instagram account.
“This is the first day that I got out of bed after I was diagnosed with Covid-19. yes, and they grabbed me, I had a fever for three days, I was in bed like a snake, because I had broken my bones, I had a headache, etc.
It’s going, I came out healthy, alive. Well, still sick, but alive. I wanted to thank my friends and acquaintances who sent good messages, ”reported J. Jankevičius on the social network.
The presenter revealed that he became infected while in the vicinity of a human and a sick coronavirus.
„Cohabitation I found myself sitting next to a man who later turned out to have coronavirus. And I did the test immediately after three days. I have the first test negative.
Then after the day the night began tuxedo, all the broken bones, fevers. That is, if you test for coronavirus, it only kicks in after five days. Don’t waste money, I only spent 75 euros as a point.
And if you’re sitting at an event, maybe you wear those masks. Overall, I had three mild enough symptoms over three days, but it was brutally unpleasant. Protect yourself because covidae it’s one of the most unpleasant things I’ve experienced in a long time, ”Justin said in the video.
Suspicions of a possible infection began to spread Thursday night. On that day, the Domino Theater announced that the Alcohol Bible Show had been canceled due to J. Jankevičius’ self-isolation.
Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Justinas Jankevičius
15 minutes After contacting Justin, he confirmed that this was true and that he had already been tested for coronavirus on Friday. True, then it still felt good enough.
“I have no symptoms. I did a coronavirus test the day and tomorrow it will be clear if there is something. I was sitting next to a colleague who was diagnosed with coronavirus.” I observed responsibly with the Domino Theater, so we could not take risks, “he said Justin about the situation.
According to the man, the woman sitting next to him also felt no symptoms at the time.
“It just came to our knowledge then lampsas for everyone. We followed SAM’s recommendations that if you were already around a person diagnosed with coronavirus, self-isolation was necessary. And the person sitting next to him at that time did not present any symptoms either, which I hope has a negative result ”, expected the presenter. Unfortunately, his hopes did not come true: Justin fell ill.