Justina and Rimas, who live in Jonava, met five years ago and are celebrating the anniversary of their friendship on January 11. They both attended trainings at the dance studio “Šok ir tu” in Jonava. True, they danced separately – Justina in a solo dance group, Rimas – in pairs.
I threw a New Years party
Justin and Rim came together in the tradition of a dance studio for joint theme parties. One of them is the new year. The dancers prepare for such gatherings for several months; each group creates their own dances, which they perform at night. Much attention is paid to the subject, which is why dancers choose to dress in studio costumes.
“I remember then, five years ago, I thought I would not go. I felt like there was no mood. So I thought again and decided to go. I was registered to attend, we also created a dance. So I thought it would be rude not to go, ”Justina says.
Tonight turned fateful: here Justina met Rima. The man danced in another group – couples, he – an already experienced dancer.
“It just came to our attention then. It seems to me that after all the official part of the evening, Rimas invited me to dance. So we danced that night, almost until morning,” says Justina.
Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Justina ir Rimas
I had no money to train in dance
When it comes to dancing, Justina’s eyes burn: dancing is part of a young woman’s life. According to Justina, she always wanted to learn to dance, but life circumstances were not favorable.
“At one point after the divorce, I just didn’t have the money, even though I dreamed of dancing. But there was no way to pay for the training. When I started to work, the financial situation improved and I came immediately, ”says Justina.
She always wanted to learn to dance, but life circumstances were not favorable.
In the beginning, I danced solo dances in a group of women, because dance is an area in which many more women are interested than men. However, even without a partner, attending dance training is fun, because it is not only about learning steps, but also about new acquaintances.
In dance training – in one season – Justina learned the basic steps of dance: salsa, here and here, samba, bachata and others.
Next season we decide to dance together
Speaking of dating Rima, Justina says that she was primarily impressed by Rima’s ability to dance.
How he danced! For me, a good dancer is space. However, Rimas had been attending dances for more than the first season, and had attended a fashion studio both as a child and as a teenager, ”says Justina.
Although the couple met in the middle of the season, they did not immediately start dancing together: Justina continued to attend solo dance training and Rimas danced with her dance partner.
“And next season we decided to dance together. Of course, dancing is more fun for a couple, that’s a completely different feeling,” says Justina.
The woman laughs that they are similar to Rima, because they both forget the dance steps and what follows.
Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Justina ir Rimas
“When Rimas danced with her ex-partner, she married him, so it was easier for him. When we started dancing together, it was all,” laughs Justina.
Justina says that her favorite dances are also different: Justina loves salsa and Rimas, samba.
“I saw your eyes when your daughter was born”
Rimas and Justina started living together pretty quickly, after about four months. But it wasn’t a conscious decision, it just came out, says Juste.
Now the couple is raising Austėja, who has yet to have a daughter, so there is no time to dance.
“When I started attending the dances, it was not thought that I would find my other half here. And he wasn’t looking. I got divorced about a year and a half ago, and emotionally I was still having a hard time.
The rhyme of my life came out unexpectedly. For him, Austėja is the first child. I remember seeing his eyes when my daughter was born. Then I realized what a firstborn means to him, ”says Justina.
Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Justina ir Rimas
The woman jokes that Rimas used to draw a lot of attention from women in the past, and in the company he fascinates everyone with his ability to communicate and his sense of humor.
“But something from common life, after all, to get to know a person a little, it is revealed. I remember that I was far from liking some characteristics of the Rima style. I once thought: I will not change it, I need to change my attitude. I used to Object to his interest in motorcycles. But I would consider it, and when, if not now, do we make our dreams come true? If it’s important to him, let it be, “says Justina.