Journalist Ručinskas died – DELFI


JD Ručinskas was born in 1938. June 6 In Kelmė. He spent much of his life in Šiauliai, which he really loved, and wrote a lot about this city.

In 1957, he graduated from Šiauliai Junior Labor High School. While still studying, she worked in the Šiauliai district newspaper “Leninātis”, wrote descriptions in the magazines “Jaunimo gretos”, “Mūsų žodis”.

In 1959-1969, he studied Lithuanian language and literature at the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute and worked as executive secretary of the institute’s journal Tarybinis pedagogues.

1965 he was the head of the culture section of the Šiauliai city newspaper “Raudonoji zásziava”. Later he settled in Vilnius. Since 1976 He worked as a consultant for the Association of Periodicals and Magazines, head of the editorial office of the Ministry of Local Industry. editor, published around 60 publications on cultural institutions and industrial companies in the country.

1978 Graduated from Vilnius University with a degree in journalism and worked as a correspondent for Elta for 36 years (1976-2012). He wrote primarily on agriculture, nature protection, and law enforcement.
He was especially interested in environmental protection, he was very interested in Lithuanian nature and its preservation. He was one of the initiators and signatories of the creation of the journalists club A (Environment).

He was admitted to the LUJ in 1970 and has been actively involved in union activities all along. In recent years, he has written extensively on the LUJ website. He was probably the most active author on this site. 2008 was awarded the Medal of Merit for Journalism.

2009 became the winner of the National Transportation Ministry contest. The Lithuanian family of journalists lost a talented and hardworking colleague, an active environmentalist and a good friend.

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