Jill Biden is the first lady of modern times: she won’t quit her favorite job


But now that Joe Biden has won the battle for the White House, his wife of 69 years will have the opportunity to move the role of first lady into the 21st century: Biden intends to take over as first lady while continuing to work full time as teacher.

“Most American women reconcile work and family life throughout their lives, but the first ladies were never allowed to do so,” said Katherine Jellison, a history professor at Ohio University. “Perhaps the time has come when most Americans will not find it strange that the first ladies are not in the White House 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

As first lady, she is expected to address education issues and resume the mission Joining Forces to Support Soldiers’ Families, which she launched in 2011 with then-First Lady Michelle Obama.

But Biden is also a teacher, mother, grandmother and supporter who helped Biden survive the family tragedy nearly five decades ago when his wife and daughter were murdered.

“Devilishly tough and faithful” In 1972, Biden experienced a great disaster: His young wife and young daughter were killed in a car accident and he had to raise two young children who were injured in the accident. Then Jill Jacobs appeared in his life. He was born in 1951 in a suburb of Philadelphia.

His father rose through the banking career from teller to bank manager, and his mother was a homemaker. Jill had just divorced her first husband when she met Mr. Biden, a widow who operated a daily train from Delaware to Washington, where she served as a senator. The couple married in 1977 and Jill became the mother of their two children, Hunter and Beau.

Biden also had a common daughter, Ashley, in 1981. While raising their children, Biden earned two master’s degrees and then a doctorate in education. He currently teaches at North Virginia Community College. Since then, a lot has happened in the couple’s lives: two failed attempts to run for president, eight years as vice president, and Beau’s death from cancer. And now a successful campaign for the White House.

“She brought us back together,” Biden said during the Democratic National Congress in August, referring to Jill’s influence on her family’s life after the tragedy. “She is damn tough and loyal.”

Photo by Jill Biden and Joe Biden / Scanpix

Photo by Jill Biden and Joe Biden / Scanpix

With “small acts of compassion,” Biden took over as second lady in 2009 when her husband became Barack Obama’s vice president. Together with First Lady Obama, he attended high-level events and learned to speak freely in public. For the third time as a candidate for the US presidency, Biden was one of her strongest and most active supporters. She relentlessly urged voters to vote for her husband, traveled through the states of Iowa and New Hampshire, where early voting was held, to persuade voters in states critical to the election outcome, such as Florida and Michigan.

She presented her husband as a suitable candidate not only for moderate Democrats, but also for Americans who do not support any party, as well as Republicans disappointed by D. Trump. In March, she also had to taste the bread of a security guard during an event in Los Angeles, when she dramatically defended her husband, who spoke on stage, against two protesters. “We’re fine,” he said to reassure her.

From a class at Wilmington High School, where she worked as an English teacher in the 1990s, Biden responded for her husband’s character, skills and heart in addressing members of the party’s convention. How to unite a torn family? Also, how the party stays together. With love and understanding, with small acts of compassion. Value. Unshakable faith, “she said of Biden’s perseverance in times of adversity. According to her, this trait links her husband to millions of American families experiencing pandemic, job loss, racial tensions.” If J. Biden continues to lecture, will change forever with [pirmosios ponios] Kate Andersen Brower, author of the book First Women: The Grace & Power of America’s Modern First Ladies, told the AFP news agency. – I think it will be difficult for him to do this: to balance the work and the difficult duties of the first lady. But I think it will broaden our understanding of what first ladies can do. “

Jellison cautions that Biden may receive criticism from those who want a more traditional first lady. But she and Andersen Brower agree that it’s time for a change. “I am sure that one day we will have the president’s husband, and no one expects him to quit his job,” Andersen Brower said.

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