According to the Associated Press, after achieving victories in the important states of Ohio and Texas, lagging by almost 100 votes in the early morning (Lithuanian time), Donald Trump already has 213 votes, while J. Biden has 238. J. Biden has managed to maintain the lead so far. , winning Arizona and Maine.
According to the Associated Press, Trump continues to lead the way in many states whose final results have yet to be seen: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.
Biden scored a major victory in California, which has traditionally voted Democrats and has the highest number of voters (55). However, D. Trump was rewarded for winning in Ohio (18) and Texas (38).
Biden also won in a major New York state with 29 voters. D. Trump responded with a series of victories in states with fewer votes.
9 pm 50 min. In Lithuanian time, the Associated Press reported that Biden had beaten Arizona and widened his gap by 11 votes.
Additionally, around 10 pm it was announced that Mr. Biden also won 4 votes in the state of Maine.
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