It’s time to check: if this year you have the obligation to pay real estate tax


Real estate tax must be paid when the total value of a person’s real estate is greater than 150 thousand. euros. Before taxes, the number of owners of the object is taken into account, if it is considered joint property of the spouses, then 150 thousand. The tax-free value of € 1 million applies on a case-by-case basis.

You can find out the value of the real estate by entering the real estate address on the website of the Records Center, according to which the unique number of the real estate is found (you can look up the unique number here). By entering the unique number of the real estate, it’s easy to find out the tax value of the real estate (find the real estate value here).

As Stasė Aliukonytė-Šnirienė, Director of the Tax Obligations Department of the State Tax Inspectorate, reported to Delfi, for 2020, 17.8 thousand. residents filed property tax returns and reported $ 5.7 million. Amount of real estate tax.

“By 2021, the state budget revenue plan establishes that the revenue from the luxury real estate tax should reach 7 million euros,” he said.

Therefore, it is expected to raise 1.3 million this year. euros more. However, STI representatives have not yet been able to specify how many people will bring this amount. “Data is currently being transferred to CTI’s information systems,” they explained.

The Registry Center did not have information on this matter either.

“The Registry Center updates the average market values ​​of the buildings every year, but every 5 years they are equated to the fiscal values ​​from which the property tax is calculated.

This year, residents will pay according to the values ​​that were recalculated in the fall of 2020 and went into effect on January 1, 2021. Last year, the recalculated values ​​will be considered as taxes for the next 5 years, ”said the representative Mindaugas Samkus.

Who has to pay

S. Aliukonytė-Šnirienė explained in detail who should declare and pay real estate tax.

“The real estate tax for residential buildings, gardens, garages, farms, greenhouses, farms, auxiliary farms, scientific, religious, recreational (local) buildings, fishing structures and engineering structures, paid by the owner of the real estate object, is calculated for each resident separately for all of the property or part of the property they own (the tax-free value applies to a natural person). The tax return must be filed and the tax must be paid before December 15, every year.

For each family member, file a taxable property declaration administered or acquired by family members under the right of personal, joint or partial property, since the tax-free value (150 thousand euros) is applied to each individual. .

Real property is considered joint property of the spouses when the legal fact: the joint property of the spouses is registered in the real estate registry. If the joint property of the spouses is not registered, the real property is considered to belong to one of the spouses by personal property right and the real property tax is calculated only for that person, that is, the value of the property. real estate. It will not be divided equally between the spouses.

The spouses who wish to adjust the individual tax-free value of the real estate must apply for it in any territorial unit of the Registry Center with a request to register the joint property of the spouses ”, advised the STI representative.

Stasė Aliukonytė-Šnirienė

Stasė Aliukonytė-Šnirienė

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Calculating taxes

S. Aliukonytė-Šnirienė explained how the property tax is calculated.

“On the total value of said real estate owned by the resident, the tax-free amount of the real estate and the calculation of the progressive tax on real estate will be applied.

When the value of taxable real property has not changed during the tax period, real property tax is calculated by multiplying the taxable value of real property by the real property tax rate. If the value of the taxable real property has changed during the tax period, the real property tax is calculated by adding all the tax amounts calculated within the 12 months.

If the resident independently indicates the total value of the property tax and the applicable non-taxable amount in the declaration, the property tax is calculated automatically, ”he said.

Currently, the following property tax rates are valid in Lithuania: from 150 thousand. up to 300 thousand. 0.5% will be applied. tariff; from 300 thousand. up to 500 thousand. 1% will be applied. tariff; more than 500 thousand. 2% EUR will be applied. tariff.

For individuals raising three or more (adopted) children under the age of 18 and individuals raising a disabled (adopted) child under the age of 18, as well as an older disabled (adopted) child for whom a need has been had special permanent care. established, the amount of tax-free real estate is 200 thousand. euros.

Fees apply if the total value of the tax exceeds this limit: from 200 thousand. up to 390 thousand. 0.5% will be applied. tariff; from 390 thousand. up to 650 thousand. 1% will be applied. tariff; more than 650 thousand. 2% EUR will be applied. tariff.

Won’t you agree to pay?

S. Aliukonytė-Šnirienė said that the tax value of real estate corresponds to the average market value of real estate.

“The real estate appraisal is done by a property appraiser, the Center of Records. Typically, the average market value of real estate is determined by conducting a massive real estate appraisal every 5 years. Note that the report for each property unit or object is not prepared, that is, each object is not evaluated separately. For this reason, after conducting a massive real estate valuation and determining the value of objects only in a certain area, in some cases the average market value may differ from the market (or sale) price of a particular object. to be acquired.

If, after the massive appraisal of the property, the resident does not agree with the established tax value of the property, he / she may go to the Registry Center and file a complaint within 3 months after the value is determined. In addition, once the tax period is over (the first 3 months of the period), a resident has the right to submit a request to the Registry Center so that the tax value of the properties is considered the tax value determined during the individual appraisal, “he said. . said.

S. Aliukonytė-Šnirienė taught that if it is necessary to review the real estate tax return (at the initiative of the resident or the STI due to existing errors or changed data), the resident can correct the already filed return if the filing has not expired, i.e. , years.

“Therefore, if an individual appraisal has been made after the filing deadline date and the newly determined real estate tax value is recorded in the Registration Center, the taxpayer can review the already submitted return (if not a limitation period applies for that revised tax period).

Residents can send inquiries about the amount of tax calculated or explanations electronically through My STI (Services> Request a service> Queries> Sending a query), as well as by the General Tax Information Telephone 1882 ”, he advised.

Property taxpayers can also take advantage of another benefit.

“Real estate (or a part of it) used by a resident for social assistance and social assistance is not subject to real estate tax; receive (obtain) income from agricultural activities; educational work; such as creative workshops (studios) for individual creative activities (when the resident has the status of an artist), as well as real estate (or its part) located on the territory of the cemetery. Furthermore, the property tax does not cover the property of the resident, who rents from the company, ”said S. Aliukonytė-Šnirienė.

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