Alytus police officers faced an extraordinary situation Thursday. A 56-year-old man who came to the police station brought a box with the human skull that was inside. The man placed the box directly on the desk of the woman who worked at the reception.
The man, who lives in Mergalaukis village, Alytus district, arrived at the police station around 10.50. His pre-trial investigation questioning was scheduled here.
The man, who went to the police station, said he had something to give to the police. It was a human skull.
The man explained that he often goes to the forest near his house where he collects various metals. The resident said there was a lot of him there. The man claimed that while searching in that pile, he discovered a human skull. He kept her with him at his home for a while, and when the opportunity arose, he took her to the police station.
Kristina Janulevičienė, Chief of the Communications Branch of the Alytus County Police Chief Commissioner, stated that the case of a person bringing a human skull to the commissariat had occurred for the first time.
The bones were turned in for examination.