It was enough to talk to the travelers we met on the Dubičiai – Paąžuolė road: and she immediately came out of the bag


In the Varėna district, border guards detained two Belarusians who had illegally crossed the state border. The SBGS registers a trend that the number of cases of illegal migration has decreased significantly this year.

On Thursday afternoon, border guard Aleksandras Barauskas patrols of the SBGS Varėna border team in the village of Dubičiai, Varėna district, on the Dubičiai – Paąžuolė road, noticed two suspicious people. From this place to the border with Belarus: 5 kilometers.

After speaking to the men, border guards immediately noticed that both travelers did not understand a word from Lithuanian. It soon became clear that they were Belarusian citizens, aged 26 and 31. Only one of the detainees had a passport that, as is customary in such cases, did not have a Schengen visa authorizing the foreigner to enter and remain legally in the Community.

The border guards of the A.Barauskas firewall, after verifying the accesses to the border line of both countries, found the footprints of two people on the control strip. They drove to the territory of Lithuania. With the help of an SBGS cynologist with a German shepherd, Variu led the search team from the state border to the place where both criminals were detained.

Due to the illegal crossing of the state border, border guards launched a pre-trial investigation. Belarusians face up to two years in prison or prison for such a crime. They were held in detention for two days. Later, both foreigners will be asked to go to court and be arrested.

Incidentally, no illegal immigrants were detained in April: both illegally crossed the protected EU’s external border of Lithuania and within the country.

This situation arose both from the renewed control of the EU’s internal borders and from the introduction of the quarantine, during which foreigners were prohibited from entering Lithuania in April (with some exceptions).

Comparing 2020 Period from January to April with a similar period in 2019. The SBGS monitors a clear decrease in illegal migration flows during the period. The number of people crossing the state border illegally decreased by 61.5%. (from 13 to 5 people), while the number of foreigners detained in the country (without exceeding the allowed time of stay in the country) decreased by up to 85.7%. (from 42 to 6 people).
