It offers to limit speeds to 30 km / h in settlements. and apply zero tolerance to drunk drivers


A European Parliament (EP) resolution on road safety, adopted on Wednesday, with 615 MEPs in favor, 24 against and 48 abstentions, notes that around 22,000 people die on EU roads and around 120,000 each year. suffers serious injuries.

According to the latest figures, around 42 people die on the roads every year in the EU. The safest roads in the EU are Sweden (18 fatalities per million inhabitants) and the most tragic road accidents occur in Romania (85 fatalities per million inhabitants).

In Lithuania in 2020 Traffic accidents claimed the lives of 63 people per million inhabitants, which represents 41 percent. less than a decade ago.

MEPs regret that progress on road safety has stalled in recent years, leading to a target for 2010-2020. it has not been possible to reduce the number of road deaths by half (this figure has been reduced by 36% during this period).

In the resolution, MEPs emphasize that speeding is a major factor in around 30% of speeding. Fatal traffic accidents, so they ask for a speed of 30 km / h. speed limit for cars in residential areas.

Alcohol, in turn, accounts for a quarter of all road deaths, and MEPs call on the Commission to update the EU recommendation on blood alcohol limits by proposing a zero limit.

The resolution also suggests that consideration be given to requiring drivers to have a “safe driving mode” on their mobile and electronic devices and other measures to avoid distractions while driving. Furthermore, EU countries should offer tax breaks and private insurers should offer attractive insurance schemes for the purchase and use of vehicles that meet the highest safety standards, MEPs say.

They ask the Commission to increase EU investment in road safety and EU countries to create national road safety funds to redistribute funds raised for road safety offenses. MEPs are also in favor of the creation of a European road transport agency to support sustainable, safe and smart road transport.

EP rapporteur Elena Kountoura said: “Europeans have tolerated the unacceptable scale of deaths on our roads for too long. If the EU and its countries commit to a strong commitment to road safety and sufficient funding, it is possible that by 2030 we will cut the number of deaths in half. The causes of road deaths are already known, and we call on the Commission and the EU countries to put in place measures to save lives, such as reducing urban speed to 30 km / h, switching to active modes of transport (bicycle ) and establish a European road transport agency “.

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