It is proposed to close supermarkets on Sundays and holidays


Remigijus Žemaitaitis, a member of the Mixed group of members of the Seimas, registered the proposed amendment to the Labor Code.

According to him, on public holidays and other holidays, work is done in retail companies, that is, industrial goods stores, large supermarkets.

“As a result, service workers miss the opportunity to properly commemorate holidays, attend events, commemorations, or spend time with their families. Employees also make public comments that they are not always paid adequately for working on holidays. At the same time, the current situation regarding COVID-19 and the rapid increase in the number of infected people has led to such a proposal. In order to reduce the safety of the employees themselves and reduce the spread of the disease, it would be convenient for retail companies to have the opportunity not to work on Sundays and holidays, ”says R. Žemaitaitis in his proposal.

In his view, the adoption of the proposed legislation would guarantee the right of workers to rest on holidays and Sundays and allow those who work in retail businesses to spend more time with their families. In addition, according to the member of Seimas, the safety of employees and all citizens who visit frequently on Sundays and holidays, spending time in retail companies will be guaranteed.

Such a proposal by R. Žemaitaitis addresses his amendments to the Labor Code registered in March 2018. At the time, R. Žemaitaitis offered a slightly more moderate option, proposing to prohibit retail companies from providing commercial services not all Sundays, but “every last Sunday of the month and on holidays.”

The current Labor Code does not provide for the possibility for retail companies not to work on the last Sunday of the month and on public holidays.

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