It is planned to establish a primary school in the student house, for fear of missing circles.


The Government handed over Lithuania’s largest non-formal education institution to Vilnius municipality exactly one year ago, during which time it was decided to liquidate LVJC after a feasibility study and establish a new one in the capital, Capital Children and Youth. Center.

As presented by Gita Kondrotaitė at the municipal council meeting, the LVJC is expected to transfer ownership to the municipality before October 1, after approximately one year the institution would be liquidated, after transferring staff to the new children’s and youth center of the capital.

According to her, next to the current informal activities in the institution there should appear a unit of the primary school, which will be located instead of the hotel and the kindergarten, but from this, the groups, she assured, should not suffer.

“The working group made many different calculations, so in practice the current number of children is maintained. It is an important and relevant issue for parents that children continue to attend the clubs, all activities continue in this center. Certainly, according to the current needs of Vilnius, a new branch of the primary school will be opened, ”said G. Kondrotaitė.

According to her, a total of 12 primary school classes should be located here, which will require rebuilding the building. It would be possible for the public institution to earn money from various projects, it is being considered that a non-formal education teacher training center would also appear here, the municipal institution “Safe City” would move, and it would work for half an hour. day.

Representatives of both the opposition and the rulers on the council said they had received a petition from several hundred parents urging them not to vote for the decision, as some non-formal educational institutions would be forced to leave the students’ homes.

“We are all very aware that if we open a primary school, hygiene will require space, especially now that there is uncertainty kovidinei situation, different flows are mixed. Realistically, we will not have a single well-functioning institution and we will destroy a well-functioning one. Because just with the establishment of a primary school, from what I can see in terms of numbers, around a thousand children who attend after-school education today will have to take to the streets, ”said Artūras Zuokas, leader of the opposition faction . , the “Happy Vilnius” Coalition.

G. Kondrotaitė stated that the school would occupy only the hotel and the kindergarten, and some of the groups could also operate on weekends after “changing the time”.

He assured that the issues with the leaders of the groups and choirs were discussed in June.

“By all accounts, all the circles remain, just changing the times, bringing them together,” he said.

Liutauras Kazlavickas, representative of the ruling conservatives, says that the vision of the new center is lacking when discussing the issue in the commissions, so he suggested reaching a consensus at the beginning, carrying out a feasibility study and then preparing the statutes of the institution. According to him, it is currently planned to allocate 6 million. 1 million euros. The maintenance of the building will cost one billion euros, so the investment should be justified.

The Lithuanian Children and Youth Center, located on Konstitucijos Avenue in the capital, is the largest non-formal educational institution in Lithuania, with a swimming pool, sports halls, organization of sports, arts and other activities for children, youth and adults , as well as various trainings for teachers. The center was handed over to the Vilnius Municipality in August last year.
