Israeli Supermodel Bar Refaeli With Lithuanian Roots Convicted Of Tax Evasion Names


Refaeli, who has known Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio in the past, was found guilty in July of misrepresenting time spent abroad to avoid taxes in Israel.

Under an earlier agreement, when the mannequin pleaded guilty in exchange for a lesser sentence, the court sentenced a 35-year-old woman with three children to 2.5 million. shekels ($ 721 thousand) and it was ordered to cover tax debts.


AFP / “Scanpix” nuotr./Modelis Bar Refaeli

Refaeli will be working on public works in the Tel Aviv suburbs and from September 21. will help people with severe physical and mental disabilities.

Under the current regime, non-resident Israeli citizens are exempted from the obligation to declare income received abroad to the Israeli tax authorities.

The dummy’s mother, Tzipi Refaeli, was sentenced to 16 months in prison for various tax offenses. She was also ordered to pay 2.5 million. shekel and pay back taxes.

This court decision helped clarify a case that has been going on for several years, in which B. Reefaeli was arrested for the first time in December 2015.

By the way, Reefaeli was thus at the epicenter of the scandal when, to avoid the mandatory two years of military service, she married her father’s friend, and soon after the two divorced.

She is currently married to Israeli businessman Adi Ezra and is raising three children.
