In Vilnius, an attacker hijacked a car: the police caught him drunk and still with an illegal weapon


The Police Department reports that on September 26. around 3 pm In Vilnius, at the intersection of Perkūnkiemio and Leičių streets, an apparently familiar man hijacked an Opel Zafira threatening her husband (b.1991).

The same day around 8 pm 50 min. An Opel Zafira car driven by a drunk man (1.68 prom.) (N. 1987) was stopped at Žirmūnų St., Vilnius.

During the inspection of the car, a pistol was found and was taken away in the cabin.

The person is in custody.

Pretrial investigation initiated:

in accordance with article 181 of the CC of the Republic of Lithuania 1 d. (Extortion of property. A person who, without a legitimate basis, openly or covertly benefits another person to transfer property, grant a property right, or exonerate a property obligation, or to perform other property-related acts, or refrain from using it, threatening to use the victim or another person physical violence, destruction or damage to their property, disclosure of compromising information or other whose disclosure is undesirable, or other mental duress, weaving arrest or imprisonment for up to six years),

BK 281-1 p. 1 d. (Driving a vehicle while intoxicated. A person who has driven a motor vehicle, tractor or self-propelled vehicle or has been taught to drive in a practical way while intoxicated when he has been found to be intoxicated with 1.51 ppm or more, or have avoided an intoxication test when you were found to be intoxicated or consumed alcohol after the accident before your circumstances were determined and you were found to be intoxicated at 1.51 and more per thousand, punishable by a fine or arrest, or imprisonment for up to one year)

and Art. 253 1 d. (Illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives or explosive substances. Any person who has not manufactured, acquired, retained, carried, transported or disposed of a firearm, ammunition, explosives or explosives without a permit will be punished with arrest or imprisonment. for up to five years.

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