Krasnodar Lokomotiv-Kuban (3/1) home club represented by two Lithuanians in United League match 73:64 (20:19, 10:16, 22:16, 21:15) defeated the Nizhny Novgorod basketball players (2/1) in Nizhny Novgorod.
Kuzminskas Mindaugas scored 3 points in 15 minutes (1/3 double, 0/1 trit., 1/2 penalty), committed 2 times, caused 3 fouls and finished the match with -1 utility score.
Kalnietis blankets used his time more efficiently: in 28 minutes he scored 4 points (2/4 dvit.), bounced 5 balls, made 8 assists, made 2 errors, violated the rules 3 times, caused an opponent’s foul and scored 13 points of utility.
Among the winners was a fantastic performance from Alan Williams, who scored 26 points (17 rebounds, 33 assists) and Will Cummings added 14 (6 rebounds, 5 innings per).
For Nizhny Novgorod, Artyom Komolov and Yevgeny Baburin (8 rebounds) scored 13 points each, Ivan Strebkov scored 10 points (8 innings).
This week, Lokomotiv-Kuban visited Panevėžys, where they confidently defeated the Lietkabelis basketball players in European Cup matches.
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