If Rytas’ team fails to score one of the season’s goals, it’s possible to say goodbye to three legionnaires.
According to Jonas Miklovas, editor of BasketNews.lt, Americans Keith Benson and Ryan Boatright and Senegalese Maurice Ndour found themselves on the hot chairs in Vilnius.
It is not clear if there may be more changes, but it is stated that “Rytas” does not plan to resign with head coach Donald Kairis.
All these basketball players joined the Vilnius team already during the season. The last to do so was Mr. Benson, with whom a contract valid only until the end of January was signed.
Of the aforementioned players, M. Ndouras made the biggest contribution to Ryto’s game, scoring 9.8 points and 4.8 rebounds in the Champions League during the match, and even getting 17.4 points in the LKL championship. According to the report, Mr. Nodur can leave the team this week.
At that time, according to the Greek portal SDNA, Ndour could soon move on to one of the Chinese elite league teams.
We remind you that “Rytas” finally opened its doors to the next stage by the Peristeri of Athens, which landed on Tuesday night – 74:81. Vilnius residents stayed behind to play one of the most desperate home games with Strasbourg SIG in the tournament. So far, in five games, he has only achieved one victory.
At that time, this Saturday, Saturday, Rytas will play the Citadele-King Mindaugas Cup retirement match with Utena Juventus basketball players at home.
“Physically and emotionally, we started the game well, but then we fell into a deep pit. Errors were the main reason the rivals split.
Obviously, in half the time we gave the rivals too much control, returning to the game was not easy. The door is closed, we will finish the job in the last game. We are expecting a good fight in the local championship “, – after the defeat in Athens, D. Kairys described the trajectory of the club.
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