In the family of Vytautas Mackonis: a painful loss


When Mackonis’ family, friends and colleagues learned of the loss, they began to express their condolences to him and his family.

On social networks, the son shared the details of his farewell and added that those who do not have the opportunity to come will be able to say the last “goodbye” with prayer at home, watching the live broadcast of the mass.

“Goodbye Mommy – September 20 (Monday) 16:00 to 21:00” Broken Rope “Funeral Home, Ąžuolyno str. 10, Vilnius.

The ballot box will be drawn on September 21 (Tuesday) at 12:30 pm

S t. Mass will be offered on September 19. (Sunday) 11:30 am Vilna St. In the great church of the parish of Joseph (Pilaitė).

There will be the opportunity to observe and pray together through the St. Broadcast on the Facebook account: Vilnius St. Joseph’s parish in Pilaitė, “reported V. Mackonis.

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