Klaipeda resident Darius shared the image captured Friday night. The bird landed on the road at the intersection of Pilies, Galinio Pylimo, Sausio 15-osios and Minijos streets.
“At first I thought I was injured, I wanted to call the helpline to tell me where to go in that case. Then I saw that he was not injured, but for some time on the nails, it turned out in April. It took off to fly, but it obstructed the car’s path, probably considerably scaring the driver. Then he flew into the bushes across the street, ”Darius told the show.
A chicken coop has been recorded
Vytautas Jusys, the head of the Ventė Rago ornithological station, says that a chicken was captured in the video.
“This year’s girl. They are less shy than adult birds. In the city, they catch domestic pigeons, it is easier for them to catch their prey here. Poultry are often attacked in the settlements and recently a hen was defeated in our country ”, commented the ornithologist.
You can watch the video by clicking this link.
According to V. Jusis, adult birds usually hunt in forests, in forests, near bodies of water. Its main prey are crow birds (crows, crows), seagulls, pigeons and other medium-sized birds.
Article author: Virginija Kesminė