In Kaunas, it is clarified who is the owner of the monument to Peter Cvirka.


According to the newspaper, three weeks ago, specialists from the Kaunas city municipality were convinced that the owners of the monument are the Ministry of Culture and the Maironis Museum of Lithuanian Literature, because the monument is located in the courtyard of their department: the Children’s Literature Museum.

Deimantė Cibulskienė, director of the Maironis Lithuanian Literature Museum, denies that the monument to P. Cvirka is owned by the museum. “We do not have a document for the monument to be transferred or included in our records. So now it is decided who could and should legally own the monument. If that is decided for us, then for us,” he said.

The writer’s bust was built in Kaunas near its museum in 1959.

In mid-September, the Vilnius City Council approved the decision to move the sculpture of P. Cvirka that is located in the center. This decision was made taking into account the conclusions of the Lithuanian Center for Studies on Genocide and Resistance that P. Cvirka “actively collaborated with the structures of the occupying Soviet government” in their political and social activities, and his collaboration “had significant and damaging consequences for the fate of the Lithuanian state and its citizens. ”
