In Germany, there is another anti-registration for COVID-19 cases


The previous anti-registration was registered the day before: 14,964 cases in 24 hours.

To date, 481,013 Germans have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and 10,272 people have died from complications.

On Wednesday, the VFR authorities decided to impose new restrictions on public life to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. As of November 2. restaurants and bars will be closed for at least one month, and only food and drinks will be allowed. Gyms, tattoo parlors, swimming pools, hair salons, theaters, movie theaters and concert halls will be discontinued. In November, all Bundesliga football matches will be played without spectators.

Unlike the spring quarantine, kindergartens and schools, hair salons and shops will work, but proper hygiene and social distance requirements will be required. Representatives from no more than two households may meet in public places. Hotel accommodation will only be possible in case of great need and for non-tourist purposes.

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