According to the Registry Center, the highest number of marriages in 2020 was concluded on August 22, and on Saturday – 494. On August 8, 487 couples were married.
Popular wedding dates were also July 25 (383 marriages), August 29 (373), September 12 (338), September 5 (331), September 19 (313), and September 1 of August. oji (305).
The Mindaugas Samkus Records Center spokesperson says 2020 was favorable for lovers of recurring numbers and residents used “magic dates” to get married.
“Typically, most marriages are registered on Saturdays, so it should come as no surprise that the country’s registry offices welcomed a large number of newlyweds on June 20, when 295 couples were married. Given the combinations of numbers, the newlyweds actively raised their wedding in February. Although February 20 happened on Thursday, more than 200 couples were married that day, and on Saturday February 22, about 180 couples chose for their wedding “, said M. Samkus.
Like every year, the popular date for weddings was St. Valentine’s, February 14, when about 120 couples were married.
According to him, it is likely that in the coming years the wedding fashion will not change and most marriages will be concluded again at the end of the summer.
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