The Christmas tree at home is already decorated this year. But it’s not on yet. “The real reason is banal: the light bulbs had to be changed. I already have new ones, but I thought I would not specifically record them until the song was released. And with the song performance, I will have my own Christmas tree lighting ceremony. at home ”, laughs Igle.
You can find the video for Igla’s new song “Me Today Christmas” here:
The singer is not exaggerating at all when saying that she has been preparing for Christmas since January. You have a rare habit of thinking of gifts for your loved ones and friends throughout the year. “Often times, people suddenly guess what they would like or, much less suddenly, the idea of a gift comes up. Then I open the phone and jot the thought down on the gift list that is always there. With the arrival of December “You no longer have to worry about who to buy what. All that’s left is to collect the gifts,” he says.
It is true that this year’s global pandemic also affected the Christmas traditions of Iglė. “I usually buy gifts in stores, but now I try to avoid them and order as many online as possible. I hope the gift does not disappear and arrives on time, “he says.
Photo by Gražina Lomovskaja / Iglė Bernotaitytė
However, the singer admits that during the holidays, a close person is more important to her than all the traditions, decorations and gifts. “It just came to our knowledge then. There are the words,” Without you, it is not Christmas for me in winter. And that is true. I believe that Christmas is a holiday that is important to meet the closest and dearest people. I’m glad I had one. Without them, Christmas would lose its meaning to me, “says Igle.