If Trump were stubborn, Biden could even choose power structures


The 20th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States establishes that the president, along with the command of the armed forces, will be delivered to the newly elected representative on January 20 of next year.

According to experts, it is not worth waiting for military action in this case. There are other institutions to guarantee order.

In his interview with NPR, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Army Commanders, assured him that the army would certainly not interfere in any way here.

“This is not the first time that someone has suggested that the election be contested,” Milley was quoted as saying. – And if that’s the case, then the courts and the Congress of the United States will decide everything correctly. The US military has no role in determining the outcome of the US elections. Jokio. There is no (army) role there. “

The former Secretary of the United States National Air Force, Deborah Lee James, also pointed out that the situation in this case will be resolved without military intervention. “If there are riots or something similar at the regional level, the governors will use our National Guard,” explained Lee James. “We, of course, do not want to see violence at any level, anywhere, and we hope that when all is said and done, we will see a peaceful transfer of power.”

This would not be the first time in American history that a question of the position and loyalty of the military has been raised during a transfer of power.

“Once upon a time, when Nixon (former US President Richard Nixon) was in trouble, Jim Schlesinger (then Secretary of Defense) told the military, ‘If you get any direct orders from the White House, tell me. Don’t do anything until you tell me, “McClatchy said, quoting Larry Korb, a former Ronald Reagan team member and political scientist.

“People said it was technically illegal, but it worked,” he added, noting that Schlesinger had bypassed the chain of subordination and effectively limited the president’s actions.

Deborah Pearstein, a professor of constitutional law, explained that after January 20, Biden would choose that judicial institution, be it the US Marshals (who enforce the decisions of the federal courts) or the Secret Service (which guarantees the protection of the main leaders or their guests). It will seem appropriate to force D. Trump out of the White House.

“If Donald Trump is still sitting in the Oval Office, Joe Biden will choose which federal forces he should use,” the professor explained.

He also added that theoretically the newly elected president could also use military force, but “it would be the least legally compelling option that could have serious political consequences.”

Democrat Joe Biden won the 2020 US presidential election. The 77-year-old Democratic candidate will become the 46th US president to get enough votes to beat his rival, President Donald Trump.
