I. Šimonytė reacted to the President’s statement of merits


“I am trying to remember that ‘clear conversation’. Perhaps I unnecessarily hope that other politicians, and especially those who speak on his behalf, also value his merits with due restraint. But I would still like to have hope,” the prime minister wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.

In this way, he reacted to A. Skaisgirytė’s speech on the “Knowledge Radio” a little earlier. According to the adviser, at the beginning of the illegal immigrant crisis, the mismanaged rulers took decisive action only after the VGT convened and a clear conversation with the president.

“If at first we saw that we were doing quite badly, the situation improved after about a month, when decisive measures were taken following the convocation of the State Defense Council and a clear conversation between the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior and others. ministers, “said the president’s senior adviser.

According to her, the state’s policy of reversing migrants and building a physical barrier on the Lithuanian border with Belarus paid the most.

“Some of these decisive measures, as we can see, are working. First, the reversal policy and the construction of a physical barrier, ”said the advisor.

According to A. Skaisgirytė, the construction of the physical barrier at the border had to start earlier.

“The fact that the barrier had to be built much earlier has been said many times and it is very good that construction has already started, perhaps only the works could go faster than they are advancing. But they are happening, and that is very important, ”said the advisor.
