The key message is that residents who do not make the timely choice of provider or miss the opportunity will pay ESO for services at the legal price, which will be the Nord Pool energy exchange price plus a 25% surcharge. In other words, the price will increase by a quarter.
Until when is it necessary to choose not to pay more? The Seimas has decided that the liberalization of the electricity market will take place in three stages. In the first stage, starting in 2021. January 1 – The electricity supplier will have to be chosen by the consumers who consume the most electricity, that is, those who consume more than 5,000 people per year. kilowatt-hours (kWh), except for vulnerable customers and managers of gardens, garages, apartment buildings, dormitories, communities who purchase electricity for the general needs of community members. In the second stage, starting in 2022. January 1 – those who consume more than 1000 kWh per year will choose, in the third stage, starting in 2023. January 1 – those who consume less than 1 000 kWh per year. There is the largest number of users of this type, around 52%, or 870 thousand.
The public supply of electricity to them will end in the last stage, regardless of the amount of electricity consumed. Regardless of the stages offered, consumers will be able to choose an independent provider at their own discretion and in advance.
Virgilijus Poderys, president of the Seimas Energy and Sustainable Development Commission, who presented the draft to the parliamentarians in the adoption stage, assured that due to competition, as in the telecommunications field, the supply of electricity to consumers it would be cheaper.
V.Poderys is not hiding: the principle of the suit has been chosen, because there is no doubt that without it people will not choose other options.
“Even now, domestic consumers can choose a private provider. But do not choose by inertia, customs, fear, although there are cheaper plans than those offered by the public provider. Of course, it is difficult for people now, because there is no information But one week before the liberalization of the market, an active information campaign will begin, that everything will be clear even for the grandmother, ”promised V. Poderys.
According to him, it will be possible to choose even the hourly price of electricity, according to fluctuations in the stock market. Or it will be possible to choose a fixed price and then not have to worry about what the market price is. There will be times when they will pay more than the stock market, but there will be times when they will pay less.
Electricity flows into the apartment building on a wire. How will it be distinguished which electricity is supplied to ESO and which is at least one or even several different private providers chosen by the residents of the house?
“If I transfer money to your account, you will not necessarily receive the same bills that I put into your account when you withdraw money. You will take the money out of the money pool. So it will be with electricity. It will not be the same electricity that came out of a power station in particular.
By compiling the balance, electricians and suppliers will know how much electricity they put into the general balance, how much money belongs to them. Physically, there will be no electrical separation. A private provider, such as Perlas Energija, will not start producing electricity, it is just a trader, an intermediary who buys electricity on the market and sells it to the consumer.
For example, it could also establish the Virgilijus energija company, buy electricity and resell it, ”explained V. Poderys. By the way, “Perlas energija” is very active in offering its services through the ATMs at the point of sale, the ATMs are happy to offer to sign contracts, because each one receives a few euros.
According to the parliamentarian, if the signing of a supply contract with a private provider results in the loss of electricity due to the interruption of the cables, claims should be made to the distributor ESO, which will continue to monitor those cables. When paying for the electricity, you will only pay part of the money to the supplier, part of the price for the maintenance of the cables will go to ESO.
When asked how to choose a provider and not make a mistake, the Seimas did not offer a clear recipe.
“It is necessary to compare what prices some offer and which others. And you need to be very careful if the contract is one that will “lock you in” or one that you can get out of.
However, the general principle of contracts is that you can change providers. The contract stipulates the price only for half a year, if after six months the price changes to your detriment, you can change the provider. Only, as I said, if he “does not secure” the contract, “said Poderys. It is true that to terminate the contract, the supplier must be notified three weeks in advance.
The parliamentarian himself said that there will not be a very large price difference because the supply represents a very small part of the price of electricity. You have not yet decided what to choose.
“I will vote when there are two weeks left before the election deadline,” he said.
V. Poderys.