How have past, unelected American presidents acknowledged defeat?


Over the weekend, a photo of a letter written by outgoing President George HWBush to President-elect Bill Clinton on January 20, 1993 began to spread on social media.

“Dear Bill, I just walked into the office and felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel it too. <....> I wish you great happiness here, “wrote GHWBush.

“There will be very difficult times, which will be further aggravated by the critics, who may think they are wrong. I can’t give you good advice, but don’t let the critics discourage you and divert you from your chosen path. Now your success is the success of the country. I’m very supportive of you. Good luck, Bill, “says the letter.


AFP / “Scanpix” nuotr./Billas Clintonas

Later, GHWBush and Clinton became good friends.

“Unique club”

Trump joins the small club presidents, who sought but were not re-elected for a second term. There are only nine of these in American history.

“Short connects to a truly unique club, and the uniqueness of that experience only adds to the tensions that already exist. It is important that presidents who can step down quickly, without anger, without bitterness, set the tone for what democracy and democratic nations are doing, ”presidential historian Leah Wright Rigueur told ABC News.

Trump, who ran several state states on election night, unreasonably declared that he won the election. When Biden’s lead began to grow as newsletters began to be counted in the mail, the unsubstantiated president claimed there was fraud.

After the media announced on Saturday that J. Biden had been elected president, D. Trump wrote on Twitter that he had won the election again.

According to LWRigueur, while presidential defeat recognition speeches have not always been a tradition and many elections have been fierce, none of the post-election presidential behavior can be compared to Trump’s actions.

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“The Donald Trump case is so unusual because he never said he would admit defeat,” LigRigueur said, adding that he would never say “I didn’t win.”

Even after fierce competition between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore in 2000, when votes in Florida were counted and uncertainty and chaos raged on for 36 days, Gore landed after GWBush won the votes of Florida voters.

“I accept the purpose of the results, which will be ratified next Monday at the Electoral College,” he said. “And tonight, for the unity of our people and the strength of our democracy, I acknowledge defeat.”

Illinois Democratic Gov. Adla Stevenson delivered the first nationally defeated speech in American history on television after losing a large majority to Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Before the advent of television, New York Democratic Governor Alas Smith delivered his first defeated speech on radio in 1928 after landing in the election on Republican Herbert Hoover.

When Howover’s re-election defeated Democrat Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, he acknowledged defeat by telegraphing the new president wishing him “the most successful administrations.” Hoover ended the telegram “with a common purpose” by offering his help.

Other unsuccessful incumbent presidents include Jimmy Carter, who lost to Republican Ronald Reagan in 1980, GHWBush, who lost to Clinton in 1992, and Trump, who similarly lost to Biden this year.

Speaking on November 5, 1980, Carter acknowledged that the defeat was “painful” but said he valued “a system that allows people to freely choose who will run them for the next four years.”

The outgoing president shared a telegram with supporters, which he sent to Reagan: congratulating the new White House leader and pledging support for a smooth transition.

According to LWRigueur, the recognition of the defeat is a “sign of good tone”, and “by the weight of the presidency, it is not insignificant”.

He added that he was concerned that Trump would not admit defeat, “but because the election was extremely divisive and given that 70 million voted for it. people, he should show you some good and decent behavior, but he doesn’t. “
