Green’s message after Pierce’s criticism of today’s players: “Shut up and enjoy retirement” / News


Nuotr .: AFP, AP-Scanpix

Nuotr. AFP, AP-Scanpix

Former basketball player Paul Pierce spoke out loud about modern NBA players, who didn’t miss Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green.

“Players today are scared of LeBrono. All the guys in my time don’t play in the NBA anymore, but we weren’t scared of LeBron. Still, basketball players these days are putting fear into LeBron. I see it. “Pierce told ESPN’s NBA Countdown.

Seeing such a speech, Green replied to Pierce on his instagram story.

Enjoy retirement, man. You’re still scared of LeBron. Shut up, ”Green wrote.

Pierce won the NBA title with the Boston Celtics in 2008 and beat the Cavaliers led by James 4-3 in the Eastern Conference semifinals.

Pierce’s Celtics also beat LeBron’s Cavaliers in 2010, when the Boston Club won 4-2 in the Eastern Conference semifinals.

At the time, Green competed with the James Cavaliers for four consecutive NBA Finals in a row, representing the Warriors. During this period, the Warriors won three titles.

The only exception was 2015-2016. season, when the Cavaliers, who were behind in the series 1-3, managed to win three games in a row and thus win the first NBA trophy in club history.
