Gitan Nauseda unveiled a monument to James Young Simpson


At the celebrations, the president recalled that today it is difficult to imagine even an independent Lithuanian state without Palanga and Šventoji, that it was in Palanga that Lithuania returned to the ranks of the maritime states so that it would never withdraw from them.

100 years ago, Lithuania and Latvia amicably and peacefully agreed on a new border.

The President noted that the outstanding merits of this agreement go to JY Simpson, who has been invited as an arbitrator.

It resolved the territorial dispute impartially and accurately, relying on the high level of trust from both parties.

“With the help of Professor Simpson, the two countries have successfully learned an important lesson in diplomacy. Thus, the conclusion of the Palanga issue reminds us so far that the supremacy of international law, peaceful dialogue and conflict avoidance is the most important guarantee of friendly cross-border relations, ”the president told the Scottish diplomat at the monument’s unveiling.

Seizing the opportunity, the President congratulated all the people of Palanga, as well as all of Lithuania, on the centenary, reports the President’s Communication Group.

Lithuanian-Latvian dispute over Palanga

One hundred years ago, Palanga was returned to Lithuania through an international arbitration award. True, disputes between the two states over who, Lithuania or Latvia, should belong to Palanga, began on February 16, 1918. After Lithuania became an independent state, it took almost three years.

In order to prevent them from becoming a conflict, the cross-border dispute between Lithuania and Latvia was resolved in 1920. September 28 The representatives of Lithuania and Latvia in Riga signed an agreement on the transfer of the border to the Arbitration Commission, which was made up of 4 members (two from each of the two countries) and a president, who would be the representative of Great Britain.

With the consent of both countries, the British diplomat, Professor James Young Simpson of the University of Edinburgh, was confirmed as chairman of the commission. It was his decision that resulted in Palanga being returned to Lithuania.

The minutes of the agreement were signed on March 30, 1921, and the following day, March 31, the Lithuanian Armed Forces, together with the country’s most famous politicians, representatives of the intelligentsia and members of the community, solemnly entered Palanga. .

In Palanga, at the intersection of the current Kretinga and Vytauto streets with the city gate specially prepared for this occasion, the participants of the march were received with great joy by the priest of Palanga Julijonas Kasperavičius, other well-known and active public figures of Palanga and the community of the city.

This historic march could not take place in March of this year due to the prolonged quarantine, so it was repeated this Saturday, July 3 at 1 pm

The theatrical historical march, which anyone could join, started in Kretingos str. (from the Kretinga side) and walked to the intersection of Vytautas and Kretinga streets, where President Gitanas Nausėda and the mayor of the tourist complex Šarūnas Vaitkus met the participants at the historic city gate.

The march was accompanied by marches of wind orchestras

“There was a brief greeting from the protesters at the gate of the specially built symbolic city. The walk was attended by at least 1,000 participants, so there was something to see. The event was also attended by people from the Telšiai Theater wearing 20th century costumes. early clothing sewn according to the original samples.

The participants of the march were accompanied by various wind orchestras. Among them are the Naval Orchestra and the Palanga Orchestra, Riflemen orchestras and other paramilitary organizations.

From the gate, the participants of the walk, repeating the events that took place a hundred years ago, headed towards Birutė Park.

At the foot of Birutė hill, in the same place where the celebrations took place a hundred years ago, a theatrical act dedicated to the centenary of Palanga’s return to Lithuania took place ”, Robertas Trautmanas, Head of the Department of Culture of the Palanga City Council Administration , he told

It also featured another major anniversary event. In order to honor the Negotiating Group for the return of Palanga to Lithuania and the President of the International Arbitration Commission JY Simpson, this year the Municipality not only renovated the street that bears his name, but also built a sculpture in memory of the Negotiating Group and JY Simpson.

This sculpture was solemnly unveiled on Saturday at 3 pm at the intersection of J. Simpson and Love Alley.

The authors of the sculpture, the sculptor Sergejus Plotnikovas, the architect Saulius Druskis, also participated in the event together with the representatives of the city and the national authorities.

The concert is free, but registration is required.

“On Sunday the anniversary will be celebrated in the Palanga Concert Hall. 7 pm A festive concert will begin here, during which special attention will be paid to the past and present of Palanga. With the help of photos, historical memories will be revived during the concert, the concert participants will not only listen to music, but also see what Palanga was like a hundred years ago. We are proud that the director of this concert is Dalius Abaris, the winner of this year’s Golden Stage Cross “, R. Trautman was happy with the upcoming event.

The concert will feature artists from the Palanga and Klaipėda region, including Jurga Šeduikytė, Tadas Girininkas, the young talent Kristupas Kerulis and others. There will also be guests from Latvia. It is interesting that the concert will be accompanied by the Palanga Orchestra, but it will not be on stage, but in the most famous places of the spa.

“It is not yet clear if we will hear the orchestra ‘live’, which is another anniversary surprise,” said R. Trautman, Head of the Department of Culture, with a smile.

The concert is free, the Opportunity Passport is not necessary, but registration will be carried out, so you must arrive at the event a little before – 5 pm 30 minutes. Children under the age of 16 do not need to register.

Festival for the whole family – “Amo Palanga”

On Sunday July 4, the resort will host a holiday for families and children “I love Palanga – the summer of the century.” This is a slightly shortened version of the “Amo Palanga” festival, because the traditional event was canceled due to the quarantine.

“When we canceled the traditional festival, a lot of people called and asked if that was true. And now, when we have offered a reduced one-day program, there are almost no calls, people believed that the quarantine was finally over and that they could have fun ”, Ieva Rudytė, manager of Palangos Investicijų Valdymas, the organizing company of the festival. , he told
