According to preliminary data, during the first eleven months of this year, 43.5 million tonnes were handled in the port of Klaipeda. tons of cargo, which is 2.3 percent. more than last year during the same period. Cargo rotation increased mainly with bulk products: fertilizers and cereals.
Visible trends allow experts to believe that the port will end this year with positive results. Meanwhile, in the first Latvian port of Riga in the first ten months of this year, 27 percent. In Kaliningrad, cargo handling volumes decreased by 5.8%, in Primorsk by 19.4%, and in St. Petersburg by 1.3%.
Even in Europe’s largest port, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 8.8% was recorded in the first three quarters of the year. compared to the same period last year, in Antwerp (Belgium) – 4.4 percent.
“From a cargo handling point of view, we really look at other Baltic ports, which we measure. We are ten, we are eleven. We see good results, because Klaipeda is the only one that currently has a plus,” said A. Latakas.
Klaipeda Harbor / Harbor Photo
Containerized cargo decrease
It stood out in October. At this time, the port company exceeded its plans by 16 percent. “To win poker, a card must fall well. However, this also requires preparation, and that card of ours was fertilizers, cereals and other agricultural products,” explained the head of the port authority.
Statistics for this year show that overall cargo at the port has been declining. This type of cargo includes containerized cargo: various household items, equipment. It is common to assume that a decrease or increase in these shipments reflects consumer trends.
“However, it is gratifying that container handling is recovering and we see pretty good trends towards the end of the year,” added A. Latakas.
The biggest challenge that saddened Klaipeda tourism industry employees was not a single cruise. Round zeros remained in the statistical row for the promised record season.