Germany deplores US withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty


“The announced United States withdrawal from the so-called Open Skies Treaty went into effect today. We are very sorry that the United States has decided to do that.” Our position on this agreement remains unchanged: we believe that it is an important part of the trust-building process. “Massas said, quoted by the German Foreign Ministry.

The head of German diplomacy stressed that his country will continue to comply with the agreement.

On May 21, United States President Donald Trump announced that his country was withdrawing from the decades-long Open Skies Treaty, which allowed unarmed aircraft to fly over each other’s territory for surveillance purposes in more than 30 years. countries.

The Washington administration said six months ago that it wanted to withdraw from the pact because Russia allegedly violated it, and the images collected on those flights could be obtained faster and cheaper from American and commercial satellites.

President Dwight Eisenhower was the first to propose in 1955 that the United States and the Soviet Union allow reconnaissance flights over each other’s territory. The idea was initially rejected by the Soviet Union, but was revived by US President George W. Bush in 1989, and a treaty entered into force in 2002. This international agreement has been signed by 34 states.

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