“Today we spoke with the Vice Minister about the funds from the Climate Change Fund, which will amount to about 100 million this year. of which electric cars and their purchase will be reimbursed. About 3 million. It is planned to allocate 1 billion euros for electric cars this year. We see that only the measure announced last year did not receive such an incentive, but about 1.4 million were used. “After a remote meeting with the head of state, S. Gentvilas said on Friday.
According to the minister, funds will also go to urban public transport.
“Last year 20 million were financed. euro for the renovation of city buses. The government has set itself as a strategic objective that all urban public transport is only respectful with the environment by 2027, so we want to make a significant contribution to municipalities to create this alternative so that people can use public transport both from the suburbs to the city and make it convenient. Therefore, we will allocate a lot of money from the funds of the Ministry of the Environment, ”said S. Gentvilas.
According to him, a new bill on car tax is also planned to be presented at the spring session of the Seimas.
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