Photo: Imago Images – Scanpix
Deividas Gailius, who scored the last points for the Bonn Telekom Baskets team (3-7), came very close to determining the victory, but the Lithuanian basketball club lost by a decisive three points.
The two points are launched this season
With 18 seconds left, Patrick Heckmann stabbed a long shot and snatched Ulm’s victory at Ratiopharm (6-3) in his own half. 73:72 (13:22, 22:19, 14:19, 23:12) against Gailius’ team.
Gailius scored a total of 13 points (4/6 doubles, 5/5 penalty) in 21 minutes, bounced 4 balls, made a successful pass, made 2 errors and fouled.
The Bonn club had won three times in four matches prior to that meeting. Telekom Baskets is in fourteenth place with as many wins in 10 rounds.
“Ratiopharm”: Dylanas Osetkowski 18, Thomasas Klepeiszas 13, Andreasas Obstas 10.
Telekom baskets: Chris Babbas 20, Strahinja Mičovičius 15, David Gailius 13, Josh Hagins 10.
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