Gabriel Landsbergis goes on vacation: “The situation has stabilized”


Department of Communication and Cultural Diplomacy in response 15 minutes Minister Landsberg canceled his planned vacation for this summer due to a hybrid attack by the Belarusian regime using illegal immigrants, and devoted the entire summer to intensive work with partners in the EU and the US, including visits to Iraq and the US. .

“Lithuanian diplomatic efforts have paid off: Iraq has suspended airline flights to Belarus, and US and EU partners have supported and strengthened Lithuania’s position to repel this aggression,” the ministry said.

According to her, “once the situation has stabilized, G. Landsbergis plans to go on vacation from October 1 to 8. days ‘.

October 1-6 will be replaced by the Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas – from October 7-8. – Minister of Culture Simonas Kairys.

“The ministry will also be coordinated by a team of vice ministers,” said the response.

In the summer, Landsberg planned to rest from July 26 to August 6, but the immigration crisis adjusted these plans.

The European Commission on Wednesday Action plan on migration pointed to the situation on the border of Lithuania and other neighboring countries as a hybrid attack against Belarus, writes BNS.

This year, almost 4,2 thousand people entered the country through the border with Belarus. illegal immigrants, most of them Iraqis.

So far, more than 700 immigrants have escaped from the Lithuanian camps. Every fifth of them managed to find and return.

Recently, Lithuania’s relations with China have also found themselves in crisis. China withdrew the Lithuanian ambassador and cracked down on Lithuanian companies when the Foreign Ministry agreed to allow a Taiwanese mission to operate in Vilnius.
