Four storks roam the patio of the house: one without an eye, another without a wing, but there is also the Director | 15MAX


The first is the Director

Reda began sharing her amazing stories about farm storks in a closed Facebook group that brought together farm and garden clients last spring. Then the stork’s manager (as it turned out he was the manager) had been living on the farm for almost a year – the man brought the injured stork from the shelter in July 2018.

“The poor man fell out of the nest, he did not suffer serious injuries, only the left wing wound. The bird got used to it very quickly, he walked around the yard with pride, children cats and dogs, so we named him Director. I twisted the nest with my own hands, the man made a ladder to be able to climb himself. Throughout the summer we went fishing for storks and fish.

So he lived until the fall, when he grew up, got stronger and was still waiting for the first flight, but … Due to the injury to the wing, the Director did not get up anyway. He went to spend the winter in a barn with chickens. And when spring came, they went out to inspect their farms, to practice their wings, and surprised the neighbors who had forgotten our pet, thinking that the storks had returned so early. All you have to do is wait for the tribesmen and guess if the Director will fly or if the walking stork will stay like this … This is the largest decoration in our house, ”Reda said on Facebook last March.

That it was not the Director, but the Director, that the stork guardians found out when a man brought another disaster with a broken wing from the shelter last March – the newcomer turned out to be much bigger and bigger than he grew up in. the farm. Came, later called Bosu, at the Director’s pleasure.

So he lived until the fall, when he grew up, got stronger and was still waiting for the first flight, but … Due to the injury to the wing, the Director did not get up anyway. He went to spend the winter in a barn with chickens.

As Paplauska learned later, it is possible to distinguish a female stork from a male only after genetic testing, but the Director’s treatment of a pair of flying storks showed that she liked the female much less than the male, which can also attest to your sex.

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