According to the press release, on the last day of November, the total number of household items that had been chosen by an independent supplier amounted to 113.7 thousand, while at the end of October this indicator was more than the lower half: 52, 5 thousand. The number of first-stage consumers choosing an independent electricity supplier more than doubled during the month, from 29,133 at the end of October to 59,701 on November 30.
Renaldas Radvila, director of the Department of Services of Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius (ESO), talks about how the choice of an independent provider is carried out and what steps the residents themselves must take.
The most important thing for the consumer is to sign a contract.
The two main tasks of the consumer are to carefully consider the offers of independent electricity providers and, if the most suitable one is chosen, to sign a contract with them.
The inhabitants of the first stage of the reform, who consume 5,000 kWh and more of electricity per year, are already aware of the obligation of the public supplier to choose an independent electricity supplier. Unless there is a disagreement with the energy consumption data exchange, providers have been sending personalized offers to these customers since September.
The offers are individual and, in the opinion of the providers, better meet the needs of specific households, as the providers have access to 12-month electricity consumption data (from June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020), Unless consumers have disagreed. .) ”, Explained R. Radvila.
Offers from all providers, in a single portal
Participants in the first stage must sign the contract with the new provider already this year, before December 10.
Of course, it is desirable to do it without waiting for the last minute. After all, the vendor will be contacted as soon as the deadline is up, and if these consumers have a critical mass, the greater the likelihood of queues, human errors and even hardware crashes and crashes, ”said an ESO representative.
If for one reason or another you do not receive offers from all providers or do not receive them at all (for example, you have refused to share data or belong to the second, third stage of change, or you simply have not updated your contact details) , all offers from providers with consumer plans and other services can be found here.
After signing the contract before December 10 of this year, the new supplier will begin to supply electricity from 2021. January 1. If the consumer and the real estate property he manages enter the first stage of change, the same day – 2021 January 1: The contract with the public supplier that had supplied electricity until then will be terminated.
“If the choice of supplier has not been made by this date, the consumer will receive electricity for another 6 months by a guaranteed electricity supplier, whose function will be performed by ESO,” said R. Radvila.
Three stages
In Lithuania, the energy reform is being implemented consistently, in three stages, in 2020-2023. The first phase, which is currently underway, involves the households that consume the most electricity per year: 5,000 kWh and more.
The second group, the largest, which is expected to be included in the change next year, includes those consumers who consume between 1000 and 5000 kWh per year. These are primarily residents of apartment buildings, as well as owners of smaller or more energy efficient homes.
In the third year of the reform, already in 2022, those households whose annual electricity consumption is less than 1000 kWh will be invited to change their provider from public to private. This group also includes socially vulnerable and state-funded residents, as well as apartment buildings, garden communities, home managers, and all other remaining users.
“By the way, when it comes to home communities, such as apartment buildings, it refers to the energy used for general purposes, not the apartments themselves. The stage to which each specific department belongs depends on the annual energy consumption”, R. Radvila pointed out.
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