For the partisans, a symbol of surrender? –


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For the partisans, a symbol of surrender? Government photo

“I rejoice in my Nation and in the people who, guided by memory and crying, have gathered here. This monument commemorates and gives meaning to the victims of Lithuanian freedom supporters. Let’s stop and think: the decision of Lithuanian men and women, young men and girls at that time, for whom their whole life is still before their eyes, was to sacrifice their lives. For the future, realizing that there is less than a year to live in the fight for our present freedom. They defeated her death. We are proud of our nation because we understand the meaning and the price of the post-war struggle, “Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said during the inauguration of the monument to the partisans in Lithuania.

As announced by Vakaro žinios, the monument consists of an obelisk in the shape of a Lithuanian sword about 25 m high; Up to 1,000 people will gather in 2010. A part of the monument dedicated to the Kęstutis county partisans was opened to the public on November 25, 2018. In the future, it is planned to build an information pavilion-museum on the history of the partisans Lithuanians next to the stairs leading to the monument.

Kasparas GENZBIGELIS, President of the Lithuanian Independence Defense Brotherhood on January 13, comments on the situation:

The idea for the Kryžkalnis monument was born from the desire to create a monument that reflected the scale of the Lithuanian partisan struggle. However, it turned out that part of the hill belonged to a farmer. It took me a long time to negotiate before I finally redeemed ourselves. In 2014, the Union for the Perpetuation of the Patriotic Struggle for the Freedom of the Homeland was established in. It was founded by a handful of surviving partisans from various cities, bringing together 20,000 themselves and other civilians. Amount for the redemption of the parcel.

Gintautas Lukošaitis proposed to create a sculpture, reproducing an authentic photo of partisans, which is called “Party Intelligence”. , freedom and independence.

However, the initiators of the freedom struggle appeared, who participated in the project of construction of the chapel in Alfonsas Svarinskas Kryžkalnis, and were allocated municipal funding. A businessman, along with young people who pretended to be patriots, began to pressure us to hand over a piece of land bought for a monument to the guerrillas. Finally we gave up, it was decided to implement a project with a sword obelisk. However, we had agreed on one condition: that the cross of Vytis be gold on the tip of the sword. But in the current version, there is no Vytis Cross at that location.

I believe that this initiative did not arise from patriotic ideas, but from the desire to use the money allocated by the Government for the implementation of the project. Perhaps that is why it went unnoticed that the sword stuck in the ground is a symbol of surrender, defeat, death.

The impression is that this inauguration of the monument was not to honor the partisans, but as part of the political campaign of some people who are preparing for the elections. With a great desire to absorb money and advertise before the elections, I believe that the monument that had to honor the supporters desecrated their memory.
