For 6 million. € 1 billion reagent purchases: STT accusations against the manager of POLA Narbutas


According to the STT, searches, seizures, interrogations and other necessary actions of the process are carried out on Tuesday in various locations in Vilnius.

According to the investigation, in order to obtain a large amount of reagents from state institutions in March, and after starting negotiations with an authorized representative of a foreign company, the suspect began to act as an informal intermediary between the Lithuanian authorities and that company.

The pretrial investigation file also contains information that the suspect may have named a certain amount to their representative for their brokerage services in this acquisition.

According to the pre-trial investigation, nearly $ 6 million worth for reagent purchases, a Š. Narbutas’s personal bank account was transferred several times for more than 300 thousand. quantity.

The investigation is controlled and directed by prosecutors from the Department of Organized Crime and Corruption Investigation of the Attorney General’s Office.
