Firefighters Visit Residents ‘Homes – Check Hosts’ Fire Preparedness


Firefighters and firefighters have been visiting people’s homes for years and have seen how well residents are prepared to protect themselves from fires, whether they are equipped with smoke detectors, and whether they are advising on fire safety issues.

As it turned out during the “Let’s Live Safely” campaign organized by firefighters, smoke detectors are often believed to be mandatory only in their own homes and not in apartments.

These inspections aren’t just for people at social risk – firefighters visit any home and share tips on how to protect yourself from fires. The focus is on those lacking social skills and single parents. They also visit homes that have already experienced fires in the past.

Firefighters also visit large families. They not only check if smoke detectors are installed, but also check the heating equipment, electrical installation, evaluate the factors that can cause fires.

Residents are generally in favor of preventive visits from firefighters. Because if you already open the door, then you also enter the house and ask about various possible failures of electrical or gas appliances that can cause a fire.

Many ask to see appliances, gas ranges, stoves, fireplaces, or boiler rooms that they are concerned about. I am also interested to know if the smoke detectors are installed properly and if there are enough.

During the year, the officers and firefighters of the Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board alone plan to visit more than 23 thousand residential buildings.

For example, officers and firefighters from the Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board intend to visit more than 23,000 residential buildings per year alone. The purpose of firefighters is not to punish, but to advise, warn of threats, teach not to make irreparable mistakes.

Firefighters are not even aware of the many possible fires, as the smoke detector signal warns people of impending disaster and they put out the fire themselves, as soon as the fire breaks out.

The smoke detector responds to the amount of smoke or invisible combustion products in the air. It can detect both rot and burning. When there is a small amount of smoke in the room, it begins to emit an audible signal that wakes up the sleepers and warns of a fire.

Smoke detectors should be installed in bedrooms and on each floor of the home. If you sleep with the doors closed, they are also necessary in the bedrooms.

It is necessary to check once a month that the smoke detector is working. All you have to do is press the control button. If there is no signal, you may need to replace the batteries. Dust and cobwebs should be removed from smoke detectors at least once a month.

The sensitivity of smoke detectors decreases over time. They must be replaced once every ten years.

The home (on each floor) must be equipped with at least one self-contained smoke detector. This is a minimum requirement, but the spread of smoke is limited by the different constructions of the building (walls, doors, ceilings, etc.). It is recommended to install these devices in all rooms where people sleep and in corridors or common areas in front of the bedrooms. It is not recommended to install them in the kitchen or in places where vapors can be emitted.
