In this constituency, an unusual situation emerged after the second round of the Seimas elections on Sunday: E. Pupinis and the chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) Gintautas Paluckas received identical support from voters. However, the Conservatives’ victory was fueled by some lost early ballot envelopes that reached the constituency only on Tuesday.
Summarizing the final results, it was clear that 7,076 citizens voted for E. Pupinis and 7,071 for G. Paluckas in the Utena constituency.
Before reaching the advance ballot for the envelopes, the Utena District Election Commission, counting all the votes of single-member voters on Monday, determined that G. Paluckas had received 7,070 votes and E. Pupinis had 7,072 votes.
ELTA recalls that on Sunday night the CEC announced that 7,075 voters had voted for both G. Paluckas and E. Pupinis in the second round of elections.
In the first round of the Seimas elections, the representative of the conservatives E. Pupinis raised 29.46 percent. LSDP leader G. Paluck held second with 19.99 percent. votes.
After recalculating the votes in uninominal Utena, the number of seats divided by the parties does not change. The Conservatives will have the most seats in the new Seimas: 50, the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union: 32 seats, the Social Democrats, 13 seats, the Liberal Movement, 13, the Freedom Party, 11, the Labor Party , 10, the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign and the Union of Christian Families. The Lithuanian Green Party and the Freedom and Justice Party will each have 3 seats and 1 seat each.
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