lost almost 650 thousand. unencrypted logins and passwords


Aside from the fact that the loss of consumer data is itself a considerable reputational blow, the crime of “” against its customers, who were asked for money for viewing stolen content, was a very criminal offense. more serious than CityBee. Orakulas or “: From what can be seen from the information provided on the Raid Forum website, which launched the fourth stolen database this week, the passwords of users were stored in plain text and unencrypted.

The person who published part of the leaked database claims that the data was stolen in 2019-2020, so it is quite relevant, newer than CityBee. According to who published it, the volume of the database is 65 thousand. rows, but it was later clarified that the number of rows in that database is actually almost 650 thousand.

However, confidence in the relevance of the database is somewhat diminished by the fact that the photo sent shows email addresses mostly from the @ domain: the deactivation of this postal service was publicly announced on 2019. in July.
